Saint Augustine`s Vineyard.
Aust - South Gloucestershire.
In Roman times Aust was a place of some importance, guarding the crossing of the Severn to Carleon and Caerwent. There were a number of settlements and a major vineyard nearby. It is said that the good wine was sent back to Rome! Certainly there is a microclimate extraordinarily favourable to viticulture - little frost, much Summer sun and a long mild Autumn.
Aust`s most famous visitor was Saint Augustine, the first Archbishop of Canterbury, who met the unruly British (Welsh) Bishops on the banks of the Severn at Aust.
The white wines of Saint Augustine`s Vineyard are intensely aromatic and fruity with a high natural sugar content not only because of the microclimate but also the grapes are picked on the precise day to ensure a perfectly balanched wine.
The vineyard is about 2 acres, landscaped, planted with trees, vines and old French roses.
Acknowledgement to:
Saint Augustine`s Vineyard for the above document.