Thornbury Town Hall.

High Street.

Constructed in 1860 incorporating parts of earlier structures on the site which is believed to be the site of Thornbury`s Medieval Market.

Built originally as a Police Station and Court with living accommodation for the Officer - In - Charge, the building was considerably altered in the 1970`s to operate as a Magistrates Court only.

When the Court moved to Yate the building was left empty and became subject to vandalism.

The Town Hall which is a Grade 11 Listed Building became operational in 1994, the Centenary Year of the Parish Town Council which coincidentally held it`s very first meeting in the same building on New Year`s Eve 1894.

Parts of the building are now occupied by:

Citizens Advise Bureau.

Thornbury District Volunteer Link.

Thornbury Pensioner`s Drop-In-Centre.

Council`s Tourist Information Centre.



